Complete My Listener Survey for Some Great Prizes! (Ep 32)

This season has come to a close. What an amazing journey, friends. In this season we talked to 8 different guests and put out 14 episodes on what it takes to make a career leap.

Recently, I met with my podcast production manager Caroline of Wild Home Podcasting to talk about this season and debrief. How did we do? Did we reach our goals? Did we have unexpected pitfalls or wins?

It got me thinking… Before I dive in and start creating content for season 3, I’d love to hear from you. Did you love a certain aspect of the show? What do you think we could improve upon?

Fill out my listener survey (you may even win a prize by completing it!)


Anyone who submits a survey BEFORE WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 has a chance to win some wonderful prizes!

🎁 Top Prize - 90-Minute Private Coaching Session

One winner gets the chance to work with me - 1 on 1! I’m giving away ONE 90-minute COACHING SESSION, on anything you’d like some help with.

It could be about what you want to do next with work, how to make more time for your creativity and health, whether you should start your own business or move to Hawaii … anything!

You'll leave with greater clarity, and doable action steps.

🎁 Runner Up Prizes - Illuminate Your Career Path

I’m also giving away THREE spots to my online career course, called Illuminate Your Career Path in 5 Steps. This digital course is super accessible and full of exercises and ideas for how to get clear on the right next career direction for you.

So again, fill out that Listener Survey by July 13 to be eligible for some of these great prizes.

By the way, if you win, you also have the option of gifting these prizes to someone in your life who you think would enjoy it.

We’d love your feedback because in the early fall, we’ll release the next season of Leap Like Me.

And a special thanks to everyone who supported me to bring back Leap Like Me for this season: 

  • Anita Pravitasari of Nitvei Studios for her incredible systems and tech expertise behind the scenes that makes everything function so beautifully in my business

  • Caroline Hull and her team at Wild Home Podcasting for reliably taking care of all the different pieces to get episodes finished and out 

  • Michael Kitson for our theme music

  • Fabiana Parra for our cover art and graphics

  • Jacqui Harper, who helped me get seriously unstuck with some timely and expert camera and vocal presence coaching. 

  • Podcasting expert Elsie Escobar for helping me strategize how to get my message out in the world while being a mama too. 

All our guests who gave so generously of themselves to share their stories, in some cases for the first time. 

I am so lucky to know and work with you all.

Standing at your own crossroads and ready to get clear on your direction? Apply for my Catalyst Coaching Program today!

If you are at that sort of stage where you are trying to figure out what do you want out of your next role, and you want to do some self reflection, I have something that is going to help you do that. Check out my self-paced digital course, Illuminate Your Career Path in 5 Steps. Five different modules will take you through step by step how to do some of this initial planning and thinking about what you want next for your career path.

I want you to know about my new free change planner. This planner is for you if you'd like to make a significant change in life or work, but you're feeling kind of stuck. My change planner will help you get the clarity you need to take your next steps. Inside, I'll show you how to understand what you really want and why it's important, how to face your fears constructively so they don't hold you back, and this planner also has a scenario cruncher. I hope you get all possible scenarios out of your head so you can find the right one for you!

Connect with Lisa

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Links mentioned in this episode…

Fill out the Listener Survey:

Transcript of Episode 32: Complete my listener survey for some great prizes!

Lisa: Hello Everyone! 

We are celebrating the close of Season 2 of Leap Like Me. 

What an amazing journey! 

We put out 14 episodes, and had 8 different guests on the show. 

We explored so many aspects of what it takes to make a career pivot. 

There were so many practical tips, mindset advice and inspiring stories of overcoming some pretty big challenges.

Yesterday I met with my production manager Caroline Hull of Wild Home Podcasting, and we did a debrief on how it all went, how we did against our goals, and what other unexpected wins – or pitfalls – we experienced. 

As a baseline, I'm celebrating BIG that we got it DONE. 

If you've been following me for a while you know that I took a long break with the show after my second child was born. So for me, the biggest question was simply … did I have the bandwidth, as a business owner, mom of two littles, in a fluctuating pandemic situation … to do this? 

I did – with a lot of help. Check out the show notes for my full gratitude list to all the people who supported me with Leap Like Me, or if you're curious about what kind of team effort goes into a podcast. 

NOW … 

Before we dive into planning Season 3 of LEAP LIKE ME, we'd love to get your feedback on it. 

What do you appreciate about the show? 

What could we improve? 

We'd love it if you would take 5-7 minutes to fill out the Listener Survey that's in the description of this episode, or by heading over to

Anyone who submits a survey BEFORE WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022, has a chance to win some wonderful prizes! 

One winner gets the chance to work with me - 1 on 1! I’m giving away ONE 90-minute COACHING SESSION, on anything you’d like some help with. It could be about what you want to do next with work, how to make more time for your creativity and health, whether you should start your own business or move to Hawaii … anything! I’ll help you gain greater clarity and some clear action steps. 

I’m also giving away THREE spots to my online career course, called Illuminate Your Career Path in 5 Steps. This digital course is super accessible and full of exercises and ideas for how to get clear on the right next career direction for you. 

So again, fill out that listener survey by July 13 to be eligible for some of these great prizes. 

By the way, if you win, you also have the option of gifting these prizes to someone in your life who you think would enjoy it. 

We’d love your feedback because in the early fall, we’ll release the next season of Leap Like Me. 

So if you are not already subscribed to the podcast, do find and follow us on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast. 

Thank you for listening and being a part of this special, growing community. 


How to Become an Expert at Managing Your Energy (Ep 34)


How Her Healing Journey Led to Her Career Leap with Camille Ali (Ep 31)