Five Years of Living in Spain


Yesterday was my five year anniversary of living in Spain. What a full five years those have been. What a ride (and the most amazing guy to share it with)!

In the style of Harper's Index, I present you with Hoashi's Index:

The First Five Years in Spain

Year I moved to Spain: 2014
Number of suitcases that I arrived with: 4
Months elapsed since I'd quit my job and upended my life to take year off: 15
Age upon arrival: 35
Percentage of those years spent living in a city: 100
Kilometers from Barcelona to our farm: 100
Weeks until I started my coach training: 4
Weeks until I got my first client: 8
Amount I charged my first client per month: $60 USD
Number of coaching hours I have now logged: 689
Number of mentor coaches I've worked with: 4
Number of blogs written: 102
That went viral: 1
Number of book proposals written: 1
Number of NYC agents who rejected it: 30
Date when I want to try again with a revision: Fall 2020
Number of podcast episodes produced: 15
Approximate percentage of time spent at my former full-time job dealing with office politics, spinning my wheels or doing busy work: 90
Approximate percentage of time now spent on such things: 3 (doing my taxes, primarily)
Number of times my husband and I got married: 3
Number of chickens we received as a wedding gift: 3
Number of children we have now: 2
Minimum times per week we eat Spanish tortilla for dinner: 1
Times per week I make banana pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast: 1
Kilometers I travel to buy crunchy peanut butter: 50
Number of glasses of wine drunk, anchovy-stuffed olives consumed, siestas taken: 2,729 (Just kidding, I've lost count.)
Months I studied for my Spanish driver's license: 4
Amount I spent on driving school and lessons: 700 EUR
Years I had driven in the USA before that: 20
Number of times my mother has visited us in Spain: 6
Number of times my father has visited: 7
Average number of Americans (friends and family) who visit us per year: 8
Years I expected it to take to speak dinner-party level Catalan: 2
Years it actually took: 5
Number of times I've been back to the USA: 5
Number of times a bottle of wine has burst in my suitcase on a trip back to the USA: 1
Number of times since that I have brought a bottle of wine in my suitcase: 0
Chance that my 30-year-old self would have predicted that I would live on a farm in Spain, be married with two kids, and own a business I love by the time I turned 40: 1 in 1,000,000,000.
Number of years since I did the work with my first life coach that set the ball rolling for all of this: 9

Lots of gratitude for that woman and all the people, places and things that conspired to put me on that plane five years ago, and here now, writing you.


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