The Big Bang at the Heart of Our Lives, and Our Relationships
The birth of our son allowed me to see even more clearly the big, big picture of our lives.
Why Take a Sabbatical: 3 of the Most Common Reasons
How people take sabbaticals varies widely, but their Why is often the same.
Why People Talk Themselves Out of Making a Change (You Might Be Surprised)
I help people get around their personal roadblocks when it comes to making an important change in life and work. Here’s my top advice for how to do that.
The End of My Year-Long Sabbatical, The Start of Something Better Than I Ever Imagined
The fearful, self-doubting me who worried that quitting my job for a sabbatical was a big mistake could never have imagined how it actually turned out.
The Secret to Taking Risks That Pay Off
How to keep moving toward your dreams, even in this unpredictable world.
My New Year's Wish For You
What keeps coming up again and again as the key to a richer, more fulfilled life.
Four Sources of Support as You Prepare For a Big Leap
Crossing the threshold of a big new life change isn't easy. Here's some reinforcement for you.
Three Ways to Take Good Care of Yourself Amid Change
Here's my advice if you're in the middle of any kind of transition, whether at work, home or life in general.
Where to Find Motivation to Keep Up New Habits
What if you know what you need to do, but you lack the motivation to follow through? Five key steps for following through on creating new healthy habits.